Specialised dictionaries and resources
Language and literature
Atsotitzak. Gotzon Garate:
More than 5,000 sayings and how they are said in Basque, English and Latin.
Access Atsotitzak. Gotzon Garate
Ereduzko Prosa Gaur (EHU):
Corpus that collects 25.1 million words from books and press.
Access Ereduzko Prosa Gaur (EHU)
Egungo Testuren Corpusa (EHU):
Corpus of publications in Basque, UPV/EHU.
Access Egungo Testuren Corpusa (EHU)
Science and technology
Laneki Hiztegia:
Technical dictionary of online vocational training.
Zientzia eta Teknologiaren Korpusa (Elhuyar eta EHUko IXA Taldea):
Corpus of publications on science and technology in Basque, by EHU/UPV and Elhuyar.
Access Zientzia eta Teknologiaren Korpusa (Elhuyar eta EHUko IXA Taldea)
Automotive dictionary:
Specialised dictionary in automotive developed between Elhuyar and several companies in the sector
Diccionario Español de Ingeniería:
Alphabetical dictionary specialized in engineering, developed by the Royal Academy of Engineering.
Access Diccionario Español de Ingeniería
Project Management Lexicon:
The Project Management Lexicon is a multilingual lexicon that comprises a total of 457 concepts in four languages (Basque, Spanish, French, English) together with their corresponding definitions in Basque.