Training for teaching staff and researches


The Library is here to collaborate with you, as a lecturer or researcher, in the development of your digital skills. To this end, we provide different online (link) and classroom-based training modules. Please check the timetables and the classroom training sessions that have been scheduled (link). In addition to this, you have the option of requesting personalised training by contacting your library.

The Doctorate Programme includes a specific course called “Documentary Research Techniques” which is designed and led by Library staff. If you are studying for a Doctorate, the material will be available to you through MUdle. If you need more extensive information, please contact your library.

In addition to this, the Library works in active partnership with the academic and teaching world and uses the scheduled training sessions to support the development of digital skills in students, in particular those relating to the handling and use of information. This material is available to you on MUdle.

We offer you a quick guide that can help you with the methodological review of the degree and master's final projects.