Which research areas can do a PhD?

Doctoral Programme

PhD Programme in Innovation and educational intervention


Full-time: 4 years (possibility of extending in 1 year).

Part-time: 7 years (possibility of extending in 1 year).



Class size

14 places


Spanish, Basque, English



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What research areas can a PHD do?

Line 1: Innovation and intervention in multicultural and multilingual societies (fiels of Education and Comunication) 

This line focuses on innovation and intervention in different aspects of education in relation to the multicultural and multilingual nature of current societies in general and of Basque society in particular, where languages and local cultures coexist with the new arrivals of recent years, all of them coexisting with the diversity of the global world. null

The areas of research of this line are:

  • Students in multicultural and multilingual societies: characteristics of students of immigrant origin and the autochthonous, managing diversity in the educational system, identities construction, and relations between family, school and environment. 
  • Strategies in the field of education, both formal and informal, implemented before the challenge of cultural diversity: environment plans, community networking, reception arrangements.
  • The teaching and learning of languages and literatures: study of language and literature, language in the curriculum, teaching devices and interaction in the classroom.
  • Foreign language teaching and learning: trilingualism management and the use of technology for this.
  • Cultural studies and revitalization of languages.
  • Teacher training in relation to innovation and intervention in the areas of the research line.

2nd line:Innovation and intervention in inclusive education (fiel of Education)

In the current educational context, characterised by the diversity of the student population, the aspects in which this line of research specialises are: well-being and integral development from early childhood, how we respond to the educational needs of all people (whether disabled or with other characteristics), and methodological innovation that addresses the challenge of inclusive education (in particular, cooperative learning, use and impact of the media and the development of competences).

The areas of research of this line are:

  • Analysis and improvement of school inclusion practices: cooperative learning and universal design for learning.
  • Healthy development (emotional, social, cognitive, motor and language) of childhood and the influence of the educational community in this development (role of educator, organization of time and space)
  • Innovation in teaching methodologies in relation to the characteristics of students and teachers: learning approaches, performances and results obtained.
  • Use and influence of audiovisual media in the teaching-learning.
  • Teacher training in relation to innovation and intervention in the areas of the research line.