Research aids and scholarships
During the process of completion of the doctoral thesis will be subject to the following administrative-labor conditions:
- The gross annual remuneration according to the moment (year) of development of the thesis is what appears in the following table. The amount is updated annually in the month of April.
(*) Valid until April 2025
- For the development of the doctoral thesis, the person selected in each offer will have a fixed-term employment contract, signed with Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa (MGEP), which will cover with annual renewals the period stipulated for obtaining the doctor degree.
- The duration of the Doctorate studies will be a maximum of 4 years on time complete, starting from the date of enrollment in the program and until the date of deposit of the doctoral thesis.
- A single extension of one year's duration may be granted depending on the level of development of the thesis after 4 years. Corresponds to the tutor and the director or thesis directors monitor and control the doctoral thesis so that This is completed within the established deadlines.
- MGEP, in addition to the agreed salary, will assume to your account the costs of doctorate that are detailed below::
- The costs of the registration fee and fees derived from the Doctorate Program.
- The costs of diverse materials that, where appropriate, may be necessary in the context of the thesis experimentation phase, as well as the use of scientific and singular equipment.
- The assistance to the complementary training that the Group of I + T could estimate pertinent.
- The costs of accommodation and qualification of the computer and furniture means appropriate to the work to be done and other possible general costs associated with the doctorate process (considered as indirect costs).
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In case your profile does not conform to any of our current offers you can also send us your CV.