Futuro de la educación Casi un centenar de expertos y expertas en educación de los cinco continentes se reúnen en un Bootcamp en Bilbao AS Fabrik para desarrollar proyectos educativos sostenibles y analizar posibilidades de financiación 2024·10·29
Mondragon Unibertsitatea y el Instituto para el Futuro de la Educación del Tecnológico de Monterrey (IFE) celebran durante tres días en Bilbao un Bootcamp para buscar estrategias de colaboración interdisciplinares para el futuro de la educación, que puedan ser financiadas a nivel mundial.
Doctoral dissertation Idurre Gaztañazatorre earns a rating of outstanding ‘cum laude’ for her doctoral dissertation 2024·06·12
The defense of the dissertation, entitled “Hezkuntzaren ikuspegi sozio-kulturalean oinarritutako ikaste-prozesuen karakterizazioa. Kasu baten azterketa: Arrankudiaga Herri Eskola” (“A characterization of learning processes based on the socio-cultural perspective of education. A case study: Arrankudiaga Public School”), was held on the Eskoriatza campus.
Formación para profesionales Mondragon Unibertsitatea ofrecerá un curso para facilitar el cambio en las instituciones educativas 2024·04·10
El curso se prolongará de mayo a julio y tendrá una duración de 150 horas. Se ofrecerá en modalidad híbrida, con sesiones online y dos workshops presenciales.
Jornadas Abierta la inscripción a los encuentros de KoLaborategia 2024 2024·03·20
Abordarán temas como la Inteligencia Artificial, la digitalización, temas de STEM y la relación entre los menores y las pantallas durante los meses de abril y mayo. Todas las sesiones serán abiertas.
Formación para Profesionales La Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación pone en marcha un curso online para conocer experiencias de codocencia en el aula 2024·03·11
El curso organizado por la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de Mondragon Unibertsitatea arrancará el 15 de abril y estará dirigido a todo el profesorado de Educación Primaria, Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato
Formación para profesionales Mondragon Unibertsitatea impartirá de abril a mayo un Curso de Especialización en innovación en procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje 2024·03·04
El curso tendrá duración de 130 horas y se ofrecerá en la modalidad híbrida: sesiones online + tres workshop presenciales en Bilbao.
GipuzkoHarrok competition The second annual ‘GipuzkoHarrok’ video contest is underway to imagine the employment of future gipuzkoans 2024·01·31
In videos between 30 and 90 seconds long, participants will have to imagine what the employment of future Gipuzkoans will be like. The competition will have two sections, one for participants over 18 and one for those under 18.
Conference on co-teaching The advantages of co-teaching based on experiences in schools are discussed on the Eskoriatza campus 2024·01·26
Researchers from the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University, Professor Ana Hernández from Madrid, and representatives from four schools in the Basque Country participated in the conference.
Conference on co-teaching Conference to share co-teaching experiences on January 26 on the Eskoriatza campus 2024·01·10
Researchers from the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University, professor Ana Hernández from Madrid, and representatives from four schools in the Basque Country will participate in the conference.
Investigación Finaliza el proyecto ‘FP21: Aprendizaje basado en retos para una Industria 4.0 abierta’ 2023·11·27
El proyecto se ha centrado en la innovación educativa e industria 4.0 abierta de la Formación Profesional.
Course A new short specialization course on Facilitation of Work Groups will be offered beginning in January of 2024 2023·11·20
The one-month course is aimed at technical staff and personnel responsible for learning and knowledge management processes in education, business and third sector organizations; cultural agents and social educators in charge of activating team processes; and professionals from any discipline in charge of leading work teams.
Programa de Doctorado Los doctorados industriales en el área de la educación, tema central de la 11ª edición de la Jornada de Investigación del Programa de Doctorado en Innovación e Intervención Educativas 2023·10·09
En la jornada celebrada en el campus de Eskoriatza, participaron investigadores e investigadoras de Mondragon Unibertsitatea y de la Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya.
STEMotiv project The STEMotiv project, now in its fourth year, has opened registration for schools in Gipuzkoa 2023·09·21
This year, the project will focus on Primary Education. The project aims to understand and influence the interest in and motivation for STEM subjects of students at this educational stage.
DOCTORAL DISSERTATION Diego Egizabal earns a rating of ‘outstanding’ for his doctoral dissertation 2023·07·04
The defense of the dissertation, entitled "Idatzizkoaren hasierako irakaskuntza dispositibo didaktikoen argitan. D ereduko ikastetxe baten kasu azterketa" [“The initial teaching of writing in light of didactic devices. A case study of a Model D school”], took place on the Eskoriatza campus.
Education The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has organized a conference in Bilbao to discuss literacy in multilingual contexts 2023·05·19
The conference analyzed the literacy of students who do not study in their family language and examined whether their academic and personal results are as expected.
TRAINING IN EDUCATION New training offer related to learning facilitation and educational innovation 2023·05·02
In the 2023-2024 academic year, special courses and training sessions on different topics and of different durations will be offered to education professionals
InclusiPHE project New podcast available on encouraging the participation of non-traditional students in higher education institutions 2023·03·29
The podcast is the result of the international research project InclusiPHE (Inclusive Engagement of Non-Traditional Students in Professional Higher Education), which aims to highlight some of the strategies that organizations must adopt in order to be inclusive.
Didactic materials A collection of materials for sociolinguistic education created by master’s students Izaro Arruti and Sandra Prieto has been posted online by Soziolinguistika Klusterra 2023·03·20
The online database was created by Soziolinguistika Klusterra, the Federation of Basque Schools, and the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University, based on work carried out by Master’s students Izaro Arruti and Sandra Prieto.
New roles in education Three meetings to examine the design of innovative projects in schools 2023·03·14
Mondragon University and TeamLabs have organized three meetings aimed at heads of educational centers to examine the design of innovative educational projects. The first of these conferences will be held at Bilbao AS Fabrik on April 22. Admission to the event will be free but by invitation only.
Dual program On March 23, an open conference will be held as part of the sixth DualECA symposium 2023·03·01
The meeting, which will take place on the Eskoriatza campus, will bring together universities that work in education using the dual format. The topic chosen for this sixth year of the symposium is ‘Learning about dual experiences/different alternations: strengths and challenges’.
Multiplier event The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has organized a conference in Bilbao to discuss literacy in multilingual contexts 2023·02·10
The conference analyzed the literacy of students who do not study in their family language and examined whether their academic and personal results are as expected.
Interview Amaia Lersundi: "The linguistic requirements of each discipline vary, not only with respect to terminology, but also in the ways of constructing and communicating knowledge” 2023·02·06
The dissertation "Analysis of Subject-Specific Literacies in a Multidisciplinary Project in Upper-Secondary Education. Case Study" defended by Amaia Lersundi on the Eskoriatza campus in January, earned a rating of cum laude with the international designation. We spoke with the author about her research.
Doctoral Dissertation Amaia Lersundi, outstanding ‘cum laude’ on her internacional doctoral dissertation 2023·01·20
The defense of the international dissertation "Analysis of Subject-Specific Literacies in a Multidisciplinary Project in Upper-Secondary Education. Case Study" took place on the Eskoriatza campus.
Multiplier event Multiplier event in Bilbao to promote the social economy and cooperativism in higher education 2023·01·12
The multiplier event, which will be held on February 9, marks the end of the European research project ‘MyDigiCoop’, led by Mondragon University.
Proyecto 3Kimu 110 estudiantes de bachillerato científico y tecnológico participan en el reto 3KIMU de Mondragon Unibertsitatea para despertar vocaciones STEAM 2022·12·21
Los y las estudiantes tienen que responder al reto planteado este año, “¿Cómo protegemos de las colisiones a las personas y a las cosas?”, bajo una perspectiva de género, de desarrollo de competencias científicas y plurilingüe.
STEAM 3Kimu: un reto que busca despertar vocaciones e interés profesional en el ámbito STEAM entre el alumnado de bachillerato 2022·12·12
El reto promovido por la ikastola Arizmendi, el colegio Lea Artibai, Politeknika Txorierri y la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de Mondragon Unibertsitatea y compontes de la división de Conocimiento de MONDRAGON, pondrá especial énfasis en la perspectiva de género. El 20 de diciembre se celebrará un encuentro en Arrasate.
Proyecto Digital del Centro Mondragon Unibertsitatea ofrecerá asesoramiento en el diseño del Proyecto Digital del Centro 2022·12·12
La Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de Mondragon Unibertsitatea y la ikastola Arizmendi han realizado ya una prueba piloto para diseñar el Proyecto Digital del Centro.
Máster Lit Acto de graduación de la tercera generación del máster Lit en Madrid 2022·11·29
El encuentro se celebró el día 18 de noviembre en el laboratorio de TeamLab en Madrid. En la graduación estuvieron presentes alumnos y alumnas, profesoras y facilitadoras del máster.
Jornada Mondragon Unibertsitatea organiza una jornada para hablar sobre el modo de unir el uso del euskera y la inmigracion en municipios euskaldunes 2022·11·28
En la jornada se analizará el caso concreto de Zaldibia, municipio en el cual el curso pasado se pusieron en marcha acciones concretas para responder al reto, iniciativa que este curso se ha extendido a otras 5 localidades vascas en colaboración con UEMA (Mancomunidad de municipios euskaldunes).
NEW EXPERT CERTIFICATION A new university expert certification, ‘STEM and digitalization in new educational contexts,’ begins in January 2022·11·09
The course is aimed at education instructors, directors of pedagogical management, and digital mentors of the Berritzegune support services.