Sports medical test
Effort test
From the sports service we know the importance of sports practice, but before preparing for a race or test it is important to know our previous condition and if that practice is advisable for us. To do this, we always advise you to do an effort test to tell us how we are and our training rhythms, That's why we give you a grant of 10€ to do the effort test.
The Sports Medicine Service of Athlon is located next to the faculty of Arrasate (Loramendi, 3 under).
The objectives of recognition are:
- Detection of alterations or pathologies that contraindicate the practice of sports.
- Assess the general health of everyone who is going to start practicing a sport.
- Determine the individual ability to practice sport.
- Know the individual response to the effort, its degree of adaptation and tolerance.
For more information on recognition go to Athlon Sports Medicine website.
To book, contact us or go directly to the sports medicine service saying that you are from Mondragon Unibertsitatea.